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Title: Easternet Newsletter - Vol.14, No.10, October 1999
Authors: Jesuit Province of Eastern Africa
Keywords: From the Provincial Offices
News from Our Communities
From AOR Jesuits Abroad
To the Whole Society
Issue Date: Oct-1999
Publisher: Nairobi: Jesuit Province of Eastern Africa, 1999.
Citation: Leo Amani, S.J.; Paul Mallia, S.J.; Shete Josephat, S.J.; Charles C. Murphy, S.J.; Deusdedit Byebalilo S.J.; Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J.; Gilbert Mardai, S.J.; Zacharias Pazheparampil, S.J.; Paul Pace, S.J.
Series/Report no.: Easternet Newsletter;Vol.14, No.10, October 1999
Abstract: On September 8 the Province of Indonesia communicated to Fr. General's Curia that Fr. Tarcisius Dewanto, S.J, was one of the three priests killed in the massacre of around 100 persons who had taken refuge in the parish church of Suai, East Timor. Fr. Dewanto, 34, was born in Indonesia on May 18, 1965. He was ordained into the priesthood this year, and presently was engaged in pastoral work in East Timor. The Province of Indonesia held the funeral on September II at the Jesuit Church in Yogyakarta. On the morning of....
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