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Title: Easternet Newsletter - Vol.13, No.5, June 1998
Authors: Jesuit Province of Eastern Africa
Keywords: From the Provincial's Desk
Seeing Kenya for Free
Loyola House
Asumbi, for the Historical Record
Fort Portal, Uganda
Meeting of Jesuits from Africa and Madagascar
Young Jesuits' Meeting 1998
Issue Date: Jun-1998
Publisher: Nairobi: Jesuit Province of Eastern Africa, 1998.
Citation: Oduor Afulo, s.J.; Tony Sequeira, S.J.; Charlie Murphy, S.J.; Pio Ciampa, S. J.; Sean O'Connor, S.J.; Bob Mayer, S.J.;
Series/Report no.: Easternet Newsletter;Vol.13, No.5, June 1998
Abstract: That's one. way of looking at my pleasant task of vocation promotion, as so many parts of Kenya are really worth seeing again and again. This last month I travelled the long and beautiful drive to Kisumu and was able to take in the many. wonderful sights on the way - the impressive view overlooking the' Rift Valley, then on to the stage view of Lake Naivasha and Lake Elementeita, the latter too far a Way to be able to see the many flamingoes clear up and, of course, Lake Nakuru once again quite....
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