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dc.contributor.authorSt. Gonzaga Gonza Jesuit Novitiate-
dc.identifier.citationLawrence Mwanzia, nSJ; Fr. James Moro, SJ; Victor Mureithi, nSJ; Niyitegeka Don Remy, nSJ; Kwenya JohnBosco nSJ; Sitati Michael; Joseph Njoroge nSJ; Lawrence Mwanzi nSJen_US
dc.description.abstractSome of the guiding principles of a Jesuit are; Finding God in all things, a deep love for Christ and the importance of service. These are experienced in everyday living through carrying out even the simplest activities. The last two months saw our Primi brothers go out for their experiment to different parts of the province as part of our formation. They came back full of life after experiencing God in their different apostolates. Reading their experiences I be....en_US
dc.publisherArusha: Jesuit Novitiate of Eastern Africa Province, 2017.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesRafiki;Vol.1C, Issue07, March 2017-
dc.subjectFrom the editoren_US
dc.subjectNovices: Spirit filled disciples who enjoy the company of Jesusen_US
dc.subjectMaking a layman a Jesuiten_US
dc.subjectFinding God in the face of the sufferingen_US
dc.subjectMy experience at St. Ignatius Pre and Primary Schoolen_US
dc.subjectLife: A problem to be solved or a gift to be lived generously?en_US
dc.subjectThrough the eye of a childen_US
dc.subjectLong experiment sharingen_US
dc.subjectThe spiritual life of SPCHSen_US
dc.subjectGood deeds, even small ones matteren_US
dc.subjectNovitiate up-datesen_US
dc.titleRafiki - Vol.1C, Issue07, March 2017en_US
Appears in Collections:Newsletters

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