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dc.contributor.authorSt. Gonzaga Gonza Jesuit Novitiate-
dc.identifier.citationNoel Tumaini, nSJ; Frank Obat, nSJ; Br. Bwesigye Thaddeus, S.J; Frank Obat Augustine, nSJ; Noel Tumaini, nSJ; Sajilo Julius Mark nSJ; ohn Siyumbu, nSJ; Andrea Paul Uduma, nsj; Leo Amani Massawe, SJ; Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, SJ; Augustine Obat, nSJen_US
dc.description.abstractOn March 3, 2014, in the good company of my two brothers John and Odinga, I was missioned to a one month experiment at St. Joseph Orphan Centre in Kiseriani. The center is under the care of Sr. Mnate and is a home for about 41 children who are orphans, and home-less. The center is 8 km from our novitiate and each day, we rode there on our bicycles. Before leaving the novitiate, we were anxious to know what kind of work we shall do. At the center, we were informed that, we shall assist in teaching the children in class one. Never in my life had I ever dreamt of teaching class one kids, yet there, I was, teaching them mathematics, personality development and sports. At first, the pupils saw me as a stranger and were afraid. When I looked at them, I too was afraid and confused, the backside of my pink polo tee-shirt, was completely wet from my shoulder to the waist with sweat. I could see the children surprised, wondering if any water remained in me. However, with time, I wonderfully bonded with the children and I, was more relaxed....en_US
dc.publisherArusha: Jesuit Novitiate of Eastern Africa Province, 2014.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesRafiki;September 2014-
dc.subjectThe gift of one another’s uniquenessen_US
dc.subjectHumility and patience as a result of loving childrenen_US
dc.subjectMy journey to the Novitiateen_US
dc.subjectNous abattrons la chèvre ensembleen_US
dc.subjectA three day retreat that ended the first probationen_US
dc.subjectThe Joy of Searching for God – Psalm 122en_US
dc.subjectMore for Christ at Canossa Dispensaryen_US
dc.subjectBeing a Jesuit novice is a cause of Joyen_US
dc.titleRafiki - September 2014en_US
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