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dc.contributor.authorThe Jesuit Fathers-
dc.identifier.citationEdited by The Jesuit Fathers Saint Mary’s College St. Marys, Kansasen_US
dc.description.abstractAT VARIOUS TIMES in the past, the editors of this REVIEW have suggested some definite topic to be discussed in the Communications Department with the intention of pooling useful ideas and information. For example, we have had communications on spiritual direction, on formalism in religion, and on vocations. Of all the discussions, by far the most interesting and profitable was the one concerning spiritual direction....en_US
dc.publisherKansas: The College Press, 1947.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesReview for Religious;Volume 6. Number 1-
dc.subjectYou ideas on Prayer? by the Editorsen_US
dc.subjectOn difficulties in meditation, by G. Augustine Ellarden_US
dc.subjectThe Little Office of Our Lady, by Adam C. Ellisen_US
dc.subjectLiving in Christ, by Charles F. Donovanen_US
dc.subjectOpen My Mouth, O Lord! by Richard L. Rooneyen_US
dc.subjectQualifications of Postulants, by Sister of the Precious Blooden_US
dc.subjectRecruiting for the Brotherhoods, by Brother Placidusen_US
dc.subjectThe Church Unity Octave, by Father Bartholomewen_US
dc.titleReview for Religiousen_US
Appears in Collections:Spiritual Exercises

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