Homilies Collection home page

The main purpose of this populace is to discover more clearly and experience more deeply these innate human longings. The reflections on the Gospels are deliberately succinct and spiritually challenging. They are also meant to inspire and illuminate our experiences through God’s Word.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 98
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-05-22Transition in Hekima Jesuit CommunityMinaku Lukoli, José
2024-03-02Homélie du 3ème dimanche du Carême (Année liturgique B)Yétongo TITO, Victor, SJ SJ
2024-03-10Homélie du 4ème dimanche de Carême (Année liturgique B)Yétongo TITO, Victor, SJ SJ
2024-03-16Homélie du 5ème dimanche de Carême (Année liturgique B)Yétongo TITO, Victor, SJ SJ
2024-03-23Homélie du Dimanche des Rameaux et de la Passion (Année liturgiques B)Yétongo TITO, Victor, SJ SJ
2024-04-07Homélie dimanche de Pâques (Année liturgique B)Yétongo TITO, Victor SJ
2024-04-07Homélie dimanche de la miséricordeYétongo TITO, Victor SJ
2024-02-18Homélie 1er Dimanche de Carême (Année liturgique B)Tito, Victor, SJ
2022-03-04The Priest and the VisionaryChisanga, Emmanuel
2023-09-13Memorial of Saint John ChrysostomIrudayaraj SJ, Dominic S.
2023-03-29“Truth will set us free” (John 8:32)Enyegue, Jean Luc
2022-03-26“Let us press on to know the Lord”Kyalo, Francis
2022-04-22The Passing StormKyalo, Francis
2022-03-14The Desire for God’s CompassionKyalo, Francis
2022-03-05NegativityKyalo Francis
2022-03-03ChoicesKyalo Francis
2022-04-04“I am the light of the world, he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”Kyalo Francis
2022-12-31Cross-Over PrayerEyeowa, Stephen
2022-04-24ForgivenessLungu, Noah
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 98
We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus. Pope Francis - June 2020 Many people suffer due to the great difficulties they endure. We can help them by accompanying them along an itinerary full of compassion which transforms people’s lives. It brings them closer to the Heart of Christ, which welcomes all of us into the revolution of tenderness. We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus.