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Important letters, circular letters, reports on important meetings from the Jesuit Conference in Africa and Madagascar on the history of the Society of Jesus in Africa will be digitized and made available online.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 89
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-04-26HUC@40 Fulfilling the Dreams of Our FoundersEyeowa, Stephen Oluwakayode
1896De Rebus Tituani in AfricaDe Polanco, Joanne Alphonso
1897De Provinciali Portugalliae: AC De Rebus AethiopiaeDe Polanco, Joanne Alphonso
2020-12-30Restructuring: We’ve Been Here BeforeKelly, Michael J.
1700Martirio ed espulsione in Etiopia: Metodio Carobbio da NembroCarobbio, Mario
1980-12-08A propos de l' a'nalyse marxiste: Aux Provinciaux D'amerique LatineArrupe, Pedro
1974-01-03Message du Père General aux Scolastiques de la Province d'AngleterreArrupe, Pedro
1976-03-19Fonds Caritatif et Apostolique de la Compagnie de Jesus: A Tous les Superieurs MajeursArrupe, Pedro
1975-07-19Fonds D'aide Mutuelle De La CompagnieArrupe, Pedro
1979-01-18Elmodo Nuestro De Proceder: Notre Maniere d'agirArrupe, Pedro
1981-10-13Le pere Paolo Dezza nomme Delegue du Saint-Pere aupres de la Compagnie de Jesus: A Tous les Superrieurs MajeursArrupe, Pedro
2001Guinea - Conakry: Diccionario Histórico de la Compañía de JesúsCarvalho, J. Vaz De
1959-11-10De Erectione Hierarchiae Eccl. in CongoIoannes, Baptista
1960-06-05De regimine Vicepr. Madecassensis sub uno Praeposito Viceprovinciae: Decretum Ioannes Baptista Janssens Praepositus Generalis Societatis IesuIoannes, Baptista
1960-01-28De Scholis Secundariis et Superioribus in Africa Suscitandis: Ad Superiorem Cuiusdam MissionisIoannes, Baptista
1959-04-25Erigitur Lusakensis Dioecesis MetropolitanaIoannes, Baptista
1977-03-19A Toute la Compagnie: A l'occasion de la mort de cing de nos compagnonsArrupe, Pierre
2001Zimbabue: Diccionario Histórico de la Compañía de JesúsRea, W. F.; Barr, F.
2001Guinea-Bissau: Diccionario Histórico de la Compañía de JesúsCarvalho, J. Vaz De
2001Zambia: Diccionario Histórico de la Compañía de JesúsLane, W.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 89
The selected decrees and addresses from the General Congregations, and bulls, remarks, and other statements that pontiffs have made to or about the Society of Jesus in Africa. The archive is also indicative of the Society’s governance and organization.