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Showing results 815 to 830 of 830 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Via Crucis Africae: Tenth Station Jesus is stripped of his Garments Africa is a Despoiled Continentde la Theotokos, Jean Ilboudo
1938-01-08A Vicariatibus Apostolicis de Maiunga, de Tananarive, de Fianarantsoa, de Antsirabè Territorii Pars Seiungitur, ex qua nova Erigitur Praefectura Apostolica de Morondova Constit. Apost.Pius XI.; Biondi., Fumasoni
1973-07-31Viceprovincia Independens Africae Occidentalis Erigitur: Decretum Petrus Arrupe Praepositus Generalis Societatis IesuArrupe, Petrus
1996The Waters of Life: Health and Faith in TanosyPesle, Nicolas
2022-04-13Wednesday in the Holy Week 13th April 2022Walle
2022-03-01Wednesday, 1st March 2022Walle, Gandaf
2013Welcome to the Warm Heart of Africa!Henriot, Peter
2022-03-19When Everything Seems DarkKyalo, Francis
2005Who is my Neighbour?: The Shelter of Hope: Street Children and Imprisoned YouthMason, Antonio
2009-07The World Union of Alumni of Jesuit Colleges: Towards a Congress in Bujumbura (Burundi) in July 2009Salembier, Pierre
1554-03-15Writing Home: The Case of Brother Adorno (1554) (No. 4277 : VI 474-475 : Spanish); Fr Diego Mirón (by commission) in Portugal 15 March 1554 from RomeIgnatius, of Loyola
1996You Yourselves Give them to EatLeurent, Bernard
2019-12Young People's View on the Possibility for Dialogue, the Lack of it and the Stand-Off in ZimbabweDinik, Adio-Adet
1995Youthful Concern Becomes CreativeMisset, Jacques
2001Zambia: Diccionario Histórico de la Compañía de JesúsLane, W.
2001Zimbabue: Diccionario Histórico de la Compañía de JesúsRea, W. F.; Barr, F.