Free, online access to a fully searchable collection of important sources and scholarship related to the Society of Jesus in Africa and Madagascar
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The Portal grants online access to a curated and fully searchable collection of important primary sources and some of the latest secondary scholarship related to the history, spirituality, educational heritage, and pedagogy approach of the Society of Jesus.
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“God has blessed the Society with an incomparable fund of documents, which allow us to contemplate clearly our origins, our fundamental charism.” – Pedro Arrupe, Superior General of the Society of Jesus (1965-1983).
Ignatian Spirituality in Africa
Ignatian spirituality is a spirituality for everyday life. It insists that God is present in our world and active in our lives. It is a pathway to deeper prayer, good decisions guided by keen discernment, and an active life of service to others.
- 71 Jesuits
- 58 Homilies
- 55 Roland Turenne
- 54 Africa
- 53 Abba
- 51 Jesuits in Ethiopia
- 50 Babogaya
- 38 Mission
- 27 Catholic church
- 25 Christianity
- next >
- 433 2000 - 2024
- 282 1900 - 1999
- 2 1800 - 1899
- 1 1700 - 1799
- 40 1536 - 1599
- 758 true